Tennessee Titans players held workout at Nashville school with team facility closed

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — A group of Tennessee Titans players held a workout at a Nashville school last week, a school official confirmed to ESPN.

Last Wednesday, one day after the Titans closed their facility amid a coronavirus outbreak in their organization, a group of players worked out at Montgomery Bell Academy, according to the school official.

The NFL and Titans informed players one day later that they were banned from any in-person gathering outside of team facilities.

Some Titans players had worked out at Montgomery Bell Academy in the past and have a relationship with MBA head coach Marty Euverard.

The school official said they weren’t aware of any restrictions by the NFL in place to prevent players from gathering.

Titans coach Mike Vrabel said Thursday that players were told not to hold any group workouts.

“We’ve asked our players in light of the recent tests to not gather,” Vrabel said. “Whether that’s a league protocol or us asking them so that we can just avoid close contacts, and that we can try to work through this and get back into the building to prepare for Buffalo as quickly as possible.”

Tennessee’s Week 4 game against the Pittsburgh Steelers was rescheduled for Oct. 25 because of the Titans’ positive coronavirus tests. The Titans are scheduled to play host to the Buffalo Bills this Sunday.

Meanwhile, the Titans placed wide receiver Corey Davis on the Reserve/COVID-19 list Wednesday. He was one of two Titans players to test positive on Wednesday morning.

Titans safety Kevin Byard said he was going to work out at his house and use his exercise bike to stay in shape. Others had different ideas.

“You can’t sit around on the couch for a week and be on a Zoom meeting and expect to go be at a physical peak on a Sunday, or whenever the game is going to be,” quarterback Ryan Tannehill said last Wednesday. “It’s going to look a little bit different for everybody, what they’re able to do, where they’re able to work out, in a garage, in a gym somewhere, I’m not even sure.

“Every man on this team is charged with prepping themselves, getting their bodies right, making sure that we’re running, we’re conditioned, and ready to go whenever the game comes around. I’m just going to make sure that I’m getting throws in and ready to go and throw the ball well when the game comes around.”

The NFL and NFL Players Association sent officials to Nashville last Friday to look into possible violations of procedures and protocols leading to the outbreak that has resulted in 22 positive tests since Sep. 24.

Although the Titans maintain that they have followed all league memos and directives verbatim, the team is now facing possible penalties from the NFL.

A league memo was distributed Monday that said teams found in violation of protocol resulting in an outbreak that requires an adjustment to the schedule are subject to financial and competitive discipline that can include loss of draft picks and forfeiture of a game.


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